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"You should wear a collar and be called Pet," a lower demon said. Paimon gave him one look, tore out his forked tongue, and tossed it over her shoulder. The problem was (was it a problem?) the little imp wasn't completely inaccurate. She came when he called, obedient above all others. When he'd fallen, she'd gone with him. When he asked something of her, she did it no matter the cost. Was it love? No. Not in a romantic sense, anyway. Paimon just understood that Lucifer had the answers. He wouldn't steer her wrong. He was the one that truly gave her free will and a kingdom of her own. So why wouldn't she do what she was told to do when she was told to do it? Regarding the imp, she changed her mind and plunged her hand into his chest, and removed his heart, crushing it in her hand and watching him crumble. She hadn't been told to do that, but she didn't think Lucifer would mind.

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Hell was different for different people. Each realm held its own dangers, its own punishments. Paimon's was beautiful, though. To the Northwest, it was crystalline and icy. Those she brought down, those that were brought to her, were not burned nor flogged nor forced to push boulders. They were naked and it was freezing, they may get frostbite, but it would heal only to reappear again. No cloth nor hide to be found. A sun of sorts shone, making things sparkle, but it only served to make it look that much more dangerous, rather than inviting and it provided no warmth. A false sense of security. Bare feet forced to walk for eternity or stand against a leafless tree. Nothing to help. Even if the souls took hold of one another, body heat did not exist. Fire and brimstone were fine for some, but ice? Ice was nice for Paimon.

For Reference

ⱤØ₥₳Ʉ₦₮₴: ₩ⱧɆ₦ ₴ⱧɆ ⱠɆ₣₮ ⱧɆⱠⱠ

Standing on a palace balcony that looked like it belonged in Disney's Frozen, he looked over his realm. It was being handled well by legions upon legions and it had been ages since he'd been among humanity. Well. Living humanity. Now he walked through the building thinking. No pictures lined the halls. Who would he put up? His kind chose their forms and vessels. Besides, the walls were lovely enough on their own. Stopping in his bedroom, he debated what, if anything, he wanted to take. When nothing came to mind, he raised one foot and she set it down on the sidewalk of 2022 New York just before the ball fell. "...three ...two ...one!" The throngs of people screamed in unison. "Happy New Year!" Paimon ran her fingers through her now long dark hair. Weaving through the crowd, she sensed who she would be seeing when she returned home and who was as of yet undecided. A smile crossed her red lips. Perhaps they just needed a little nudge in the right direction.

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It opened its eyes for the first time and looked about. They had no gender appearance yet. It took a moment for them to acclimate to the brilliant light all around them. White and pearl and golden and everything humanity, once in existence, would come to believe, designed to please and reward. That's when they saw him. He was possibly more beautiful than the place they were in. Words would not fit to describe his appearance and it almost hurt them to look upon him. They just knew they wanted to resemble this being. Focusing, he felt his body shift and form into a male. He was dark haired now, with dark eyes, and tan skin. Paimon, his name came to him easily now, stared at Lucifer. He was glowing and as Lucifer passed by Paimon he touched the hem of his robe. A small seed was starting to grow in the back of his mind. God was his creator and his father. But would Lucifer be the one he followed in the future? Yes, the seed whispered. Yes.

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Normally, Paimon disliked the masses of humans around her, but Lucifer was here and she wanted to be where he was to more easily be at his side if needed. The problem was, the longer she stayed around humanity, the more like them she felt. For example, she sat in the park and watched the people go about their various tasks of running or playing or reading, or throwing sticks to puppies. The sun shone down on her face and she felt its warmth, unlike her realm in Hell. There were no clouds, laughter surrounded her. The people were enjoying themselves and they had a right to. It was a perfect moment in time when everything seemed right. Paimon realized that as she sat there watching for that one in twenty that would become hers, she was smiling. She was enjoying herself. It felt... odd to feel a genuine sense of happiness. Not the thrill of punishment or the joy of ruling, but simple happiness like the puppy with the too-big stick. She basked in it for just a second, then her eyes landed on a man whose eyes were darting places they should and her smile turned sinister. The happiness was gone as soon as it'd been there.

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Lucifer went first. There were many reasons that he chose Hell over Heaven, but they were his own reasons. Paimon watched from a distance as chaos begin to ensue. Somewhere in his heart of hearts, the chaos thrilled him. He stepped into the fray, taking up Lucifer's cause, of course. They were superior to humanity. He could see it from where he stood. What he didn't understand was why his Father didn't understand that as well. Or, at least, couldn't admit it. Finally, he packed his proverbial bags, too, and took a step. It felt like he was literally falling forever, even though there was no actual fall at all. When he regained his balance and composure he looked around. To the Northwest he went, a barren area. He would change that soon enough and he would obey Lucifer until the end of time, even when it meant giving up his Father; his family. It was a trade. One for another and Paimon thought he was getting the better end of the deal.

₴Ⱨ₳₥ⱤØ₵₭: Ʉ₴Ɇ Ø₣ ₮ⱧɆ ⱠɆ₲łØ₦₴

There were rumors as to who and what Paimon ultimately commanded, but one thing was certain: there were legions of beings that did what he said. Some were fallen angels, some were created there in hell, and some were flitting spirits that no one could rightly claim. So rarely did he gather them all together to use, but in this case, he felt it right. He stayed out of so many human wars. Petty battles over petty things, but this war? This second disaster of a human mess? He felt the need to step in before things became too much for this entanglement of humanity to twist out of. Summoning her legions, she brought them to Earth. Of course the obvious side was that of the Crazy Man who thought there was one race and one alone, but Paimon, knower of all things, knew this to be false and did not like how this man went about gaining power. So he gave his legions uniforms and human faces and they fought against the Man Dazed with Power. He fell. She returned to Hell with him. All was well and the world began to clean up its wreck. For now.

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For the most part, Paimon, whether boy or girl, stayed themselves. And though lately, Paimon had chosen to appear as a woman, that didn't mean she was out for attention. In fact, she was itching a little to return to Hell where she could rule, rather than Earth where she gave money away and people thought she was "good." Laying on her bed, she closed her eyes and thought back to a time long ago when she'd already built her kingdom out of ice, her legions had taken place, and souls were already being punished. She rode in on a dromedary, not the most elegant of beasts, but it was hers. A diadem sat on her head and her gown was flowing. Around her, musicians played for her entrance so everyone knew she was arriving. Today, it was a limo, sleek and silent, and a headband with rhinestones. Not the same at all. Paimon missed being treated like a king, camel ride and all. Ah well, being treated like a princess was close enough for now.

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"Listen..." Paimon ducked as a dish flew across her kitchen, hit the wall, and shattered. "No. Okay. I said listen, don't throw things at me." Paimon shook her head. All was quiet for the moment. Maybe this poltergeist thing had finally taken a break. The room looked like a war zone and she would be buying a whole new set of dishes after this. Which was a shame as she'd rather liked the pattern on them. Oh well. That's what the mortal world's Amazon was for and it wasn't like money was an issue. "I don't know who or what you are, but I -" She had to duck again as a coffee cup flew at her face. "Enough!" Paimon's voice echoed through the entire house. Things froze, a bowl hovering in midair. "You lived here, didn't you?" She'd been told when she bought the house that a man had been murdered there. Honestly, that had been part of the appeal to her. The cup lowered slowly to the table. Paimon remembered what she'd been told. They didn't know they were dead. This...thing... was just trying to get a stranger out of its house, she figured. "You don't live here anymore. You are dead. Why do you think you don't show up in mirrors?" Paimon sat down and sighed, pushing out another chair with her foot. It was odd that she couldn't see the thing, given who she was, but still. "Sit." It wasn't a question. "You were killed here. In this room. You were stabbed with a kitchen knife and you died. Please. There is a portal you should see." She didn't know where it would lead, but it'd be there. "Go through it. You're dead. I'm... sorry." The mug flew across the room and broke against the fridge. Then? All was still and quiet. She sighed. "I'm sorry." And the strange thing was, she meant it.