ficuscarica mustache hair don't care #needsomesun #greeneyescrosseyes
biolumens3 gurl u r so cute!
ficuscarica @biolumens3 takes 1 to know 1.
thelushlyfe we need to get together soon!
twinklegirl96 @thelushlyfe @ficuscarica yes! girls night soon?
ficuscarica @thelushlyfe @twinklegirl96 next weekend??
biolumens3 i wish i hadn't moved awayyyyyyyy!
ficuscarica @biolumens3 we do, too! miss you, girlie!
ficuscarica wednesday got me like
twinklegirl96 ugh i feel you, but at least you look cute!
ficuscarica #tbt #iwasalwaysaprincess
shakeitmoni You still are my princess!
ficuscarica @shakeitmoni i love you, mommy!
bananataffy Is that me??
ficuscarica fresh faced and fancy free
marianarid love it! love that sweater, too!
mousygalgeorgia tomorrow after i get out of school, PLEASE tell me how you get your pony tail so smooth!
ficuscarica #stopandsmelltheroses #justcallmebelle #nowineedabeast #ithinkheispickingmeupinanhour #beautyandthebeast #beenthinkingaboutyouallday
thelushlyfe omg who are you talking about??
ficuscarica feeling kind of pretty today.
thelushlyfe you're pretty everyday!
shakeitmoni Such a little doll!
biolumens3 i wish i had your eyes!
twinklegirl96 i need all your make up skills!!
marianarid LOVE that shirt.
mousygalgeorgia omg you should feel pretty today!
ficuscarica @thelushlyfe @shakeitmoni @biolumens3 @twinklegirl96 @marianarid @mousygalgeorgia you guys are so nice to me! i'm so lucky
ficuscarica i totally didn't post this for compliments!
ficuscarica i wanted to show off my new shirt.
biolumens3 you should post for compliments! you deserve them.
thelushlyfe @biolumens3 what she said!