audry The National World War II Memorial. 56 granite columns symbolize unity among the 48 states, seven federal territories and the District of Columbia. #unitedwestand #myadoptedhome #nationalwwiimemorial #naturalizedcitizen
barcelonanena I will be in the U.S. in August. Where will you live then?
audry D.C. There is ore than enough room for you here!
barcelonanena Meravellos! I cannot wait to see you.
audry I am excited! @ridley will love you.
barcelonanena I am sure I will love him, too.
audry #fbf to this winter and #mylove @ridley. I miss going to sleep with him each night, but we began long distance and this is just a blip in our time together. #absencedoesmaketheheartgrowfonder
danielaserra Es tan bonic!
audry @danielaserra Ell es tambe el meu. Has de trobar el teu propi home.
danielaserra @audry Comparteix.
audry @danielaserra No.
ridley @audry I miss you, too, love. Also, what is Daniela saying about me?
audry @ridley You don't want to know.
audry The Jefferson Memorial. It is very hot, but I have never been afraid of the sun. #jeffersonmemorial #washingtondc
sarahjacobs Yet more lovely places you are without me, @audry!
audry @sarahjacobs Please come and visit me. You can tell me many stories of @ridley as a child.
sarahjacobs @audry That sounds like a fantastic idea.
ridley @audry @sarahjacobs Hey.....
audry @ridley
audry #thelincolinmemorial at sunset. There is much history, much beauty in #america. I wish there were not currently so much strife. Working for the government again has given me a different persepctive on this country and the people who work for it. There are so many more people trying to do good, they just don't have public jobs with high profiles. Please remember that when you feel down.
kimnotdash I wish I was there working with you. Is everything scandalous? The office isn't the same since you left.
cryptopher I agree with @kimnotdash! Come back to us, @audry.
audry Oh, my loves. Perhaps one day we will start our own company and work together, wherever we want. Everywhere we want! @kimnotdash @cryptopher
ridley I wish I was walking with you.
audry You will be soon enough @ridley.
audry My shoes and the #nationalmall.
danielaserra Compres?!
audry No es aquest tipus de centre comercial, @danielaserra.
danielaserra Oh.
loraabram What were you doing? Sitting there, sweating and swealtering?
audry I was reading, mother. @loraabram You know I love the heat.
loraabram Don't burn! @audry
audry I will always be your little girl, won't I mama? @loraabram
loraabram Of course! @audry
audry He is my forever #mcm. My contract is over in September and as soon as I am home to him, we are going to begin to plan our wedding. I cannot wait for the rest of my life. "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." Lao Tzu @ridley
ridley God, I love you so much. I think I say that too often, but there aren't other words to express it.
audry @ridley, that is not something you can say too often or hear too often. I promise.
danielaserra Aixo es tan romantic. Estic convidat a les noces?
audry @danielaserra, Si, per suposat. Cal que el vostre passaport estigui llest per viatjar!
danielaserra Ja ho he d'anar @audry!
ridley It will be nice to finaly meet you, @danielaserra.
danielaserra It is nice to meet you then also @ridley
audry A boring picture of myself. I so rarely take them or have them taken. I also seem as if I rarely smile in them. And I admit, this one is at work, against one of the dull tan walls there, and is also on my ID badge and work profile, but I thought it was rather good? I think that sometimes I am absent in my own life's narration. I need to illustrate myself as much as the place that I live and the people that I love.
danielaserra Tu ets una bella dona!
loraabram I see so much of your avia in you. Stunning, even for a "boring" work picture.
barcelonanena Bella noia!
davidabram I am so proud of my daughter.
ridley BRB showing this to everyone I know so they can see how lucky I am. You're the heroine in my story. The main character. The princess and the everything else. And have I mentioned I love you? #theluckiestmanalive #wcw #wceveryday #wcwonthursday
sarahjacobs I hate to be late to the party, but you really are lovely. I wish my work picture looked this "boring."
cryptopher Gurl. There is nothing boring about this picture except the background. It just makes you stand out even more.
audry Everyone, you are being too kind. I didn't mean to disparage myself, though I suppose it did come out that way. Gracies for all your sweet words. I am so lucky to have such beautiful people like you all in my life. @danielaserra @loraabram @barcelonanena @daidabram @ridley @sarahjacobs @cryptopher
audry Out for an evening walk in #Chinatown and came across #livemusic. There is so much diveristy in this city, so many random things, so much that you just stumble across. It really doesn't get enough credit. #washingtondc #ournationscapitol
loraabram You be careful walking alone at night!
davidabram What your mother said.
audry I was with a large group of people, mama, papa. Don't worry about me.
loraabram I'm always going to worry about my little girl.
davidabram What your mother said. Again.
audry T'estimo @davidabram @loraabram
audry Standing next to an electric blue rooster on the roof of the @ngadc. #nationalgalleryofart #KatharinaFritsch #hahncock For what it's worth, I also saw a #Divinci and many other more traditional works.
ridley Is that really a giant blue chicken?
audry Yes. Yes, it is. Google Katharina Fritsch and Hahn/Cock.
ridley That... really is a giant blue chicken. Well. Okay. Everyone has their own opinions of art, I guess.
audry This from a man that is currently dancing in tights and kitty cat face paint singing about being a terrible beast...
ridley Oh, hush you.