audry #barcelona has always looked good on me. #catalonia #spain #barcelona #llardolçallar
barcelonanena bella noia!
danielaserra Benvingut a casa Audry! Ho sento que no et visito.
audry #barcelona also looks good on him. It was so wonderful showing my love around the city of my childhood. It was really my first love. He also met my parents and my mother's parents and, of course, they adored him. How could you not?#myheart #mysoul #myridley
danielaserra Molt guapo! És aquest l'home que es va a casar? Té un germà?
audry @danielaserra Ho sento que no té germans. Potser hi ha un cosí de la seva edat!
danielaserra @audry
audry At the Catedral de Barcelona. I do not much believe in God, but here, I could. #CatedraldeBarcelona Photo credit to @jac who was so kind as to join us for bits of our trip.
ridley I'd thought about proposing to you here, @audry.
audry Your proposal was perfect @ridley. Never worry about that.
sarahjacobs You two are adorable. I'm coming with you next time. @ridley @audry
ridley You'd be welcome, Aunt Sarah!
audry He's right, @sarahjacobs, you can come with us any time.
audry Pont del Petroli. I think in another life, I lived in the sea. I feel so at peace around the ocean.
davidabram You always loved the water, even as a child. We could never keep you out of it.
loraabram And you would scare us to death holding your breath for as long as possible. Tell @ridley to watch out if you ever go under the water and don't come back up. The sea will have retaken you!
audry Ronda Universitat. Everything in #barcelona is so beautiful. The US offers things and wonders that Europe never can, but there is something about the archetecture in the #oldworld feel so much more alive.
kimnotdash So gorgeous. I'm coming with you next time.
audry You know I will gladly take you @kimnotdash
cryptopher Not without me, ladies. @kimnotdash @audry
audry Never without you, my darling @cryptopher.
audry They say that there is a place on the #CarrerDAlladaVermell where it always looks like spring. I would have to agree. It also makes me want to get more plants for my home. However, for as many talents as I have, I am afraid I suffer from a #blackthumb.
barcelonanena Potser l'home guapo que pot portar flors fresques tots els dies! @ridley
audry @barcelonanena @ridley Crec que és una idea meravellosa.
ridley I don't know what you're saying about me, but I have #googletranslate and I'm not afraid to use it. @barcelonanena @audry
ridley .....I am not bringing you fresh flowers every day. Lady would eat them.
audry Què trist.
audry This is the home I grew up in, such as it were. It belongs to my àvia and avi - my mother's parents. It belonged to my àvia's parents before her and I don't know how far back before them. Hopefully, one day it will be mine. We traveled so much for most of my childhood, but this is where I always called home. This still feels like coming home. I never knew when I would go to bed with one set of guests in the house and wake up with three more. Everyone who comes here is immediately home as well.
jac Tell your grandparents thank you again for letting me stay. And thanks for letting me tag along sometimes.
audry They say you are welcome here anytime, even if I am not with you. And àvia says if avi ever passes, leaves her, or just gives her permission... @jac
danelaserra M'agradaria poder viure allà per sempre!
audry No crec que m'agradaria viure amb l'àvia i l'avi! @danelaserra
audry On the Plaça Reial. Everywhere my feet walk here, I feel as if I am walking in both the past and the future. #barcelona will always have my heart.
ridley And now mine. I loved seeing it with you. I love you.
audry I love you, too. You are also my past and my future in so many ways. #soulmatesinbarcelona
barcelonanena El meu lloc preferit també. Mai hi ha prou temps amb vostè quan visita.
audry And of course I would be remiss not to include my darling friend @jac who accompanied us a time or two. I know your heart hurts, my friend, but hopefully Spain can help heal it.
danielaserra Oh Déu meu! Fan tots els bells homes nord-americans segueixen a tot arreu?
danielaserra Té una esposa? És el que vol una dona?
danielaserra Hola @jac. El meu nom és Daniela. Segueix-me a Instagram!!!!!
audry Ets quinze anys Daniela. Ets massa jove per casar-se amb ningú...